Talking about brain scales at ISMRM

Makliya Mamat  /  July 22, 2024

I recently had a opportunity to attend the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Endorsed Workshop on MR for Psychiatry in Chengdu. This event focused on advancing our understanding of the brain through the lens of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

I gave a talk on the importance of understanding the brain by examining it across different temporal, spatial, and topological scales. This multi-scale approach is essential because each scale provides unique and critical insights into brain function and structure. From the micro-level cellular processes to the macro-level brain network dynamics, every level of examination contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of neurodevelopmental disorders.

At the micro-level, we delve into the cellular and molecular processes that underpin brain function. This includes studying neurons, synapses, and the intricate signaling pathways that allow for communication within the brain.

At the macro-level, we examine the brain’s network dynamics. This involves looking at how different regions of the brain communicate and coordinate with each other to produce behavior and cognition.

By integrating findings from these different scales, researchers can build a more holistic view of the brain. This approach not only enhances our understanding of neurodevelopmental disorders but also informs the development of more effective diagnostic tools and treatments.

I’m deeply honored to receive the Young Investigator Award. I’m also grateful for the collaborative efforts and support of my mentors, collaborators, and the organizers of the ISMRM workshop for providing a platform to share and discuss these important topics.

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